15 August 2009
I'm at another computer shop, I hate computer shops, I hate it when other people are there when I'm trying to write. My mind gets easily distracted by other people typing away on their keyborads, people talking to the clerks at the counter, people chatting on-line, people coming and going, the annoying sounds of door chimes, keys, coins, plastic bags, seats being pulled and pushed and dropped and shit. It's a stupid, stupid place to be.
I hate work days, since mobile broadband in the Philippines suck like ant-eaters I can't use my laptop for internet, there's absolutely no point, it's friggin expensive and the coverage doesn't even cover half of UP Diliman, not even a quarter, or an eighth.
Look at me, I spend a great chunk of my self set allowance on internet connection, I live for the net, considering my schedule which gives me only one day of the week where I can go over to my buddies in UP so I don't have to go to the internet shops just to talk to them and have something to for the four hours (more or less) of free time I have
I want a Monday-Tuesday day-off schedule, I hate mondays in the office and I hate having to go to computer shops instead of actually talking to my buddies and annoying them in person, and the internet just isn't the same as when I stay on-line for 12 hours or so a day when its my day-off, I wanna use my own PC, not a stupid, generic, ad laden PC from netopia or Orange.
So there, got to log out now, my bill is running high.
7 things said:
Ahaha, ibang web pala yung web ni spiderman, ahahahaha.
Pano daw ba yung mobile broadband?
yung broadband stick, yung globe tattoo, yung smart bro wireless
anong nangyari, bat ayaw mo na?
smart bro is smart broken, wont work on 64-bit vista (would connect as fast as turtlehead biodgrades)
globe is, well, globe, below average speeds as well
Sun has better speeds, but the coverage area wont cover Kuya Narry's Tambayan, or my other secret Haunts
waw 64-bit pala yung iyo.
so shall
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